Help Raise Awareness
of Abortion in Canada
Join us in educating Canadians on the reality of unrestricted abortion in Canada by sponsoring an ad in your local community. LifeCanada has prepared design files for billboard and transit shelter ads in both English and French.
During our last Campaign in 2008, Advertising Standards Canada declared our ads to be “deceptive”, despite the fact that abortion is indeed legal in Canada throughout all nine months of pregnancy. The truthfulness of our ads was demonstrated as Canada watched MP Stephen Woodworth bring his Motion 312 to the House of Commons for debate in September 2012. Motion 312 challenged the Criminal Code’s definition of a human being, which comes from 400-year old British common law. The definition states that a “child” (the word ‘child’ is used in the Criminal Code) is not a human being until it has proceeded in a living state from the body of its mother’s. The implications are that such a child can be killed in its mother’s womb up to the point of birth, a legal reality in Canada. In 2008, however, due to Ad Standards allegations, commercial advertisers would no longer agree to run our ads. Privately owned billboards, truck ads or banners on private property became excellent ways to display our important message.
Now, in 2013, LifeCanada is proud to present a new Campaign based on the real life stories of women who were faced with great challenges and who chose life for their babies. We hope that the message, “You will never regret loving this much” will touch the hearts and minds of women caught with the difficult prospect of making a life or death decision for their unborn child. Click here to view the 2013/14 resources.
To order, please contact the LifeCanada office at
Phone BC: 778-805-2171
Phone ON: 613-722-1552
Toll Free: 1-866-780-5433(LIFE)
PO Box 500 • Ottawa ON K0A 3P0